My Purse
Singe we all and say we thus:
'Gramercy, myn owen purs!'
When I have in myn purs ynow,
I may have bothe hors and plow,
And also frendes ynow,
Through the vetue of myn purs.
When myn purs ginneth to slak,
And ther is nought in my pak,
They wil sayn: 'Go, fare wel, Jak!
Thou shalt none more drinke with us.'
Thus is al myn good y-lorn
And myn purs al to-torn;
I may play me with an horn
In the stede al of myn purs.
Fare wel hors, and fare wel cow;
Fare wel cart, and fare wel plow.
As I played me with a bow
I said: 'God, what is al this?'
| Translated
Poem |