I comawnde şe ratones şat are hre abowte,
Ğat non dwelle in şis place, withinne ne withowte,
Thorgh şe vertu of Iesu Crist, şat Mary bare abowte,
Ğat alle creatures owyn for to lowte,
And thorgh şe vertu of Mark, Mathew, Luke, an Ion,--
Alle foure Awangelys corden into on,--
Thorgh şe vertu of Sent Geretrude, şat mayde clene,
God graunte şat grace
Ğat <non> raton dwelle in şe place
Ğat here namis were nemeled in;
And thorgh şe vertu of Sent Kasi,
Ğat holy man, şat prayed to God Almyty
For skathes şat şei deden
Hys medyn
Be dayes and be ny³t
God bad hem flen and gon out of euery manesse sy³t.
Dominus Deus Sabaot! Emanuel, şe gret Godes name!
I betweche şes place from ratones and from alle oşer schame.
God saue şis place fro alle oşer wykked wytes,
Boşe be dayes and be nytes! et in nimine Patris et Filii, &c.

Source: Sisam, Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose

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